Tempo Flute, created in 2009, is a non profit French organization devoted to furthering the historical and present day knowledge of the flute, flutists and the flute world in general including informations about recordings, publications etc.
Its main objective is to reunite flutists of all horizons, rather it be professional flutistes, students, amateurs players or simply those who are passionate about learning more about the flute world.
Tempo Flute magazine consists of 64 color printed pages published in the French language. There are also three special editions printed issues available; Telemann Fantasies, Life and works of Jules Demerssemann as well as an edition about Theobald Böhm’s compositions.
Tempo Flute also has rare recordings available for purchase taken from archives. These recordings, made between 1908 to 1952, are performed by major flutists such as, Hennebains, Gaubert, Blanquart, Le Roy and Dufréne. These flutists helped to strongly influence the french school of flute playing.
The Tempo Flute organization is completely and independently run by committed and passionate volunteers. A small fee for french subscribers of 16 euros includes two publications per year or 30 euros for a two year subscription. For subscribers outside France the price is 20 euros for one year and 38 euros for a two year subscription.